Instruments for Health Surveys in Children and Adolescents
Nationellt vårdprogram Långtidsuppföljning efter barncancer
Methods: The analysis was based on 6768 children who participated in the European IDEFICS/I.Family cohort (T0 2007/2008, T1 2009/2010 and/or T3 2013/2014; mean ages: 6.6, 8.4 and 12.0 years, respectively) and provided at least two measurements of waist circumference, blood pressure Prospective and Cross-Sectional Analyses from the IDEFICS/I.Family. Cohort. I. Iglesia, T. Intemann, P. De Miguel-Etayo, V. Pala, A. Hebestreit, M. Wolters, P. Russo, T. Veidebaum, S. Papoutsou, P. Nagy, Gabriele Eiben, P. Rise, S. De Henauw, L. A. Moreno. Nutrients - 2020-01-01.
Examinations . The IDEFICS baseline survey took place from September 2007 to June 2008 and formed the basis for the establishment of a cohort of more than 16,000 2 to 9 year old children in eight European countries: Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Sweden. The IDEFICS and I.Family studies investigated the impact of dietary, behavioural and socioeconomic factors on non-communicable chronic diseases in a large diverse sample of European children. IDEFICS (Identification and prevention of dietary and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants) and I.Family (IDEFICS/I.Family cohort) is a large European prospective cohort including children from eight countries (Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, and Sweden) that has been investigating dietary An extension and a further follow-up (third examination wave) of the IDEFICS children’s cohort was performed in the framework of the EC FP7 project, I.Family, to create a longitudinal database of children and their families 17 (Figure 1, right section).
Cohort Profile : The transition from childhood to adolescence
The IDEFICS/I.Family studies: design and methods of a large European child cohort. In: Bammann K, Lissner L, Pigeot I, Ahrens W, editors. Instruments for health surveys in children and adolescents.
Cohort Profile: The transition from childhood to adolescence in
sed cohort study in Sweden.
from 2 to 15 years of age) on children and their families, including key biomarkers and genetic data. In brief, the IDEFICS/I.Family study comprises one of the largest prospective European child cohorts. The main focus of the IDEFICS study was to investigate diet- and lifestyle related disorders in young children with a focus on overweight and obesity. Prospective and Cross-Sectional Analyses from the IDEFICS/I.Family Cohort.
Befolkningstal sverige
Eur J Clin Nutr 67: 1042-9.
Ergebnisse aus der IDEFICS/I.Family-Kohorte. Ernährungsumschau international. 2018. Link.
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asymptot i -4 och -3
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padel vecka båstad
t vagans sling
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Since non-response and drop-out are more likely among less healthy and disadvantaged The publication rules of the IDEFICS and I.Family studies shall express the intention that each participating researcher in both studies can contribute and has access to publications emergig from this study on an equal basis. View this document (English, Ver. September 2015) here.
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Before the implementation of the IDEFICS intervention, and having considered international recommendations, IDEFICS took a thorough look at these the adherence of children to key behaviours related to childhood obesity measured at the baseline survey (T 0, see page “Study design”), such as drinking water and sweetened drink, consumption of fruit and vegetables, daily TV time 2019-12-11 2017-01-23 2011-04-12 The IDEFICS cohort provides valuable data to investigate the interplay of social, environmental, genetic, physiological and behavioural factors in the development of major diet- and lifestyle 2020-04-28 Weight Status and BMI-Related Traits in Adolescent Friendship Groups and Role of Sociodemographic Factors: The European IDEFICS/I.Family Cohort Obes Facts . 2020 Dec 22;1-10. doi: 10.1159/000512356. We investigated possible selection effects regarding key exposures and outcomes in the IDEFICS/I.Family study, a large European cohort on the etiology of overweight, obesity and related disorders during childhood and adulthood. IDEFICS and I.Family cohort Christoph Buck1*, Gabriele Eiben2,3, Fabio Lauria4, Kenn Konstabel5, Angie Page6,7, Wolfgang Ahrens1,8, Iris Pigeot1,8 and on behalf of the IDEFICS and the I.Family consortia Abstract Background: Physical activity (PA) is one of the major protective behaviours to prevent non-communicable diseases. cohort attrition, child health, BMI, selection effects, cross country differences View graph of relations Attrition in the European Child Cohort IDEFICS/I.Family: Exploring Associations Between Attrition and … Cohort Profile: The transition from childhood to adolescence in European children-how I.Family extends the IDEFICS cohort. Int J Epidemiol (2017) 46(5): 1394-1395j.